本文件中的关键词“必须”,“不得”,“必须”,“应该”,“不应该”,“应该”,“不应该”,“推荐”,“可以”和“可选”按照RFC 2119中的描述进行解释。
调用库 - 实际需要缓存服务的库或代码。该库将利用实现此标准接口的缓存服务,但不会知道这些缓存服务的实现。
实现库 - 该库负责实现此标准,以便为任何调用库提供缓存服务。实现库必须提供实现Cache \ CacheItemPoolInterface和Cache \ CacheItemInterface接口的类。实现库必须支持至少TTL功能,如下所述,具有全秒级粒度。
TTL - 项目的生存时间(TTL)是该项目存储与被视为陈旧之间的时间量。TTL通常由表示以秒为单位的时间的整数或DateInterval对象定义。
到期 - 项目设置为过时的实际时间。这通常通过将TTL添加到存储对象的时间来计算,但也可以使用DateTime对象显式设置。在1:30:00存储300秒TTL的项目将到期为1:35:00。实现库可能会在其请求的到期时间之前使项目到期,但是一旦达到其到期时间,必须将项目视为已过期。如果调用库要求保存项目但未指定过期时间,或指定空过期时间或TTL,则实现库可以使用配置的默认持续时间。如果没有设置默认持续时间,则实现库必须将其解释为永久缓存项目的请求,或者只要底层实现支持。
密钥 - 至少一个字符的字符串,用于唯一标识缓存的项目。实施库必须支持由字符的键A-Z
命中 - 当调用库按键请求Item并且找到该键的匹配值并且该值未过期时,会发生缓存命中,并且由于某些其他原因该值无效。调用库应该确保在所有get()调用上验证isHit()。
Miss - 缓存未命中与缓存命中相反。当调用库按键请求项目并且找不到该键的值,或者找到但已过期的值,或者由于某些其他原因该值无效时,会发生缓存未命中。过期的值必须始终被视为缓存未命中。
递延 - 延迟缓存保存表示池可能不会立即保留缓存项。Pool对象可以延迟持久化延迟缓存项目,以便利用某些存储引擎支持的批量设置操作。池必须确保最终持久化任何延迟缓存项并且数据不会丢失,并且可以在调用库请求它们被持久化之前保留它们。当调用库调用commit()方法时,所有未完成的延迟项必须保持不变。实现库可以使用适当的逻辑来确定何时持久化延迟项,例如对象析构函数,持久保存save(),超时或最大项检查或任何其他适当的逻辑。对已延迟的缓存项的请求必须返回延迟但尚未持久的项。
魔术方法,或者如果合适的话类似的语言功能。传递到实现库的所有数据必须完全按照传递的方式返回。这包括变量类型。也就是说,如果(int)5是保存的值则返回(字符串)5是错误的。实现库可以在内部使用PHP的serialize()/ unserialize()函数,但不是必须这样做。与它们的兼容性仅用作可接受对象值的基线。
CacheItemInterface定义缓存系统内的项。每个Item对象必须与一个特定的键相关联,该键可以根据实现系统进行设置,并且通常由Cache \ CacheItemPoolInterface对象传递。
Cache \ CacheItemInterface对象封装了缓存项的存储和检索。每个Cache \ CacheItemInterface都由Cache \ CacheItemPoolInterface对象生成,该对象负责任何所需的设置以及将对象与唯一Key相关联。Cache \ CacheItemInterface对象必须能够存储和检索本文档“数据”部分中定义的任何类型的PHP值。
namespace Psr\Cache;
* CacheItemInterface defines an interface for interacting with objects inside a cache.
interface CacheItemInterface
* Returns the key for the current cache item.
* The key is loaded by the Implementing Library, but should be available to
* the higher level callers when needed.
* @return string
* The key string for this cache item.
public function getKey();
* Retrieves the value of the item from the cache associated with this object's key.
* The value returned must be identical to the value originally stored by set().
* If isHit() returns false, this method MUST return null. Note that null
* is a legitimate cached value, so the isHit() method SHOULD be used to
* differentiate between "null value was found" and "no value was found."
* @return mixed
* The value corresponding to this cache item's key, or null if not found.
public function get();
* Confirms if the cache item lookup resulted in a cache hit.
* Note: This method MUST NOT have a race condition between calling isHit()
* and calling get().
* @return bool
* True if the request resulted in a cache hit. False otherwise.
public function isHit();
* Sets the value represented by this cache item.
* The $value argument may be any item that can be serialized by PHP,
* although the method of serialization is left up to the Implementing
* Library.
* @param mixed $value
* The serializable value to be stored.
* @return static
* The invoked object.
public function set($value);
* Sets the expiration time for this cache item.
* @param \DateTimeInterface|null $expiration
* The point in time after which the item MUST be considered expired.
* If null is passed explicitly, a default value MAY be used. If none is set,
* the value should be stored permanently or for as long as the
* implementation allows.
* @return static
* The called object.
public function expiresAt($expiration);
* Sets the expiration time for this cache item.
* @param int|\DateInterval|null $time
* The period of time from the present after which the item MUST be considered
* expired. An integer parameter is understood to be the time in seconds until
* expiration. If null is passed explicitly, a default value MAY be used.
* If none is set, the value should be stored permanently or for as long as the
* implementation allows.
* @return static
* The called object.
public function expiresAfter($time);
Cache \ CacheItemPoolInterface的主要目的是接受来自调用库的密钥并返回关联的Cache \ CacheItemInterface对象。它也是与整个缓存集合交互的主要点。池的所有配置和初始化都由实现库决定。
namespace Psr\Cache;
* CacheItemPoolInterface generates CacheItemInterface objects.
interface CacheItemPoolInterface
* Returns a Cache Item representing the specified key.
* This method must always return a CacheItemInterface object, even in case of
* a cache miss. It MUST NOT return null.
* @param string $key
* The key for which to return the corresponding Cache Item.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* If the $key string is not a legal value a \Psr\Cache\InvalidArgumentException
* MUST be thrown.
* @return CacheItemInterface
* The corresponding Cache Item.
public function getItem($key);
* Returns a traversable set of cache items.
* @param string[] $keys
* An indexed array of keys of items to retrieve.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* If any of the keys in $keys are not a legal value a \Psr\Cache\InvalidArgumentException
* MUST be thrown.
* @return array|\Traversable
* A traversable collection of Cache Items keyed by the cache keys of
* each item. A Cache item will be returned for each key, even if that
* key is not found. However, if no keys are specified then an empty
* traversable MUST be returned instead.
public function getItems(array $keys = array());
* Confirms if the cache contains specified cache item.
* Note: This method MAY avoid retrieving the cached value for performance reasons.
* This could result in a race condition with CacheItemInterface::get(). To avoid
* such situation use CacheItemInterface::isHit() instead.
* @param string $key
* The key for which to check existence.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* If the $key string is not a legal value a \Psr\Cache\InvalidArgumentException
* MUST be thrown.
* @return bool
* True if item exists in the cache, false otherwise.
public function hasItem($key);
* Deletes all items in the pool.
* @return bool
* True if the pool was successfully cleared. False if there was an error.
public function clear();
* Removes the item from the pool.
* @param string $key
* The key to delete.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* If the $key string is not a legal value a \Psr\Cache\InvalidArgumentException
* MUST be thrown.
* @return bool
* True if the item was successfully removed. False if there was an error.
public function deleteItem($key);
* Removes multiple items from the pool.
* @param string[] $keys
* An array of keys that should be removed from the pool.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* If any of the keys in $keys are not a legal value a \Psr\Cache\InvalidArgumentException
* MUST be thrown.
* @return bool
* True if the items were successfully removed. False if there was an error.
public function deleteItems(array $keys);
* Persists a cache item immediately.
* @param CacheItemInterface $item
* The cache item to save.
* @return bool
* True if the item was successfully persisted. False if there was an error.
public function save(CacheItemInterface $item);
* Sets a cache item to be persisted later.
* @param CacheItemInterface $item
* The cache item to save.
* @return bool
* False if the item could not be queued or if a commit was attempted and failed. True otherwise.
public function saveDeferred(CacheItemInterface $item);
* Persists any deferred cache items.
* @return bool
* True if all not-yet-saved items were successfully saved or there were none. False otherwise.
public function commit();
namespace Psr\Cache;
* Exception interface for all exceptions thrown by an Implementing Library.
interface CacheException
namespace Psr\Cache;
* Exception interface for invalid cache arguments.
* Any time an invalid argument is passed into a method it must throw an
* exception class which implements Psr\Cache\InvalidArgumentException.
interface InvalidArgumentException extends CacheException